History of Sigma Chi

And when the green on our graves has mouldered away, some gray warrior sitting by night at the blazing fire will tell thy deeds to his sons, and they shall bless and admire the men of old.
William Lewis Lockwood
THE SIGMA CHI Fraternity was founded at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, on June 28, 1855, by Thomas Cowan Bell, James Parks Caldwell, Daniel William Cooper, Isaac M. Jordan, William Lewis Lockwood, Benjamin Piatt Runkle, and Franklin Howard Scobey
One, and the main, aim and object of Sigma Chi has been, and is, to develop and train broad-minded men who can recognize the wholeness of things and who are not bound down to a contracted, eight-by-ten notion of exclusiveness. There is an absolute necessity for such men.
Benjamin P. Runkle
Sigma Chi’s story has been building on itself since 1855 and, indeed, the Fraternity has changed dramatically since that time. Their dream was simple — to enhance the leadership abilities of men by refining their character through the framework of Friendship, Justice and Learning — our three guiding principles.

Eta Upsilon Chapter
The Eta Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity was founded at the Texas A&M University.